Climate Impact Partners has supported the South Sudan government on its journey towards sustainable, low-carbon development.
We analyzed the country’s challenges in depth, and proposed solutions with the greatest potential to generate positive social and environmental outcomes. Our recommendations help the most vulnerable communities build their resilience to extreme weather, while improving food security and tackling poverty. At the same time, they’re reducing the country’s carbon emissions, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.
About our client
Despite ongoing political conflict, South Sudan – one of the world’s least developed countries – is committed to taking action on climate and environmental issues.
Our credentials as a specialist adviser to governments on climate and global development solutions led them to choose Climate Impact Partners to prepare a report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). This Initial National Communication summarizes South Sudan’s greenhouse gas footprint, climate risks, and plans to reduce emissions and improve climate resilience.
What we did
Climate Impact Partners led an expert team of consultants capturing and analyzing information on South Sudan’s socio-economic, political, climate, and environmental background – from its natural resources, to food, energy, and water challenges – for the report.
We reviewed existing reports and data, interviewed key stakeholders (from government, universities and communities), and traveled throughout the country to understand development challenges on the ground. We also created a detailed analysis of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions, exploring their primary causes.
We identified the impact of climate change – particularly on the vulnerable – according to economic sector, region, and community. And we held interactive workshops with a range of experts to help inform proposed measures to cut emissions, build resilience and address the country’s most pressing climate risks inclusively.
What positive outcomes did we deliver?
Climate Impact Partners helped the South Sudan government to gain a comprehensive view of its country’s climate risks and opportunities, and communicate them clearly to the UNFCCC.
By harnessing this information, they can move towards a more sustainable future.
Significantly, we identified that methane produced by the country’s cattle was the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. South Sudan has the second largest number of cattle per capita in the world and many families make a living as smallholder cattle farmers. Climate change threatens the livelihood of these farmers and others, as droughts and floods can destroy entire herds and crops.
We also advised various ways of promoting food security in vulnerable areas, including developing drought-resistant seeds, improving irrigation, and introducing an insurance scheme so farmers can claim after a natural disaster and rebuild their herds and lives.
Finally, as the country moves towards a national electricity grid, we suggested ways to invest in renewable energy and replace polluting fossil fuels with cleaner alternatives. These ranged from solar lanterns and home systems for families, to solar-powered water pumps for agriculture and hydro-powered mini-grids for businesses.
Our goal is to deliver 1 billion tonnes of emissions reductions
500+ clients around the world
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