
Richtungsweisende Ideen von unseren Experten aus aller Welt.


A wine lover's guide to the voluntary carbon market

Just as no two bottles of wine are the same, those with decades of experience in the VCM believe no two carbon projects are the same.


Understand the carbon market in one number

We emit around 50 billion tCO2e into the atmosphere each year. Supporting emission reduction projects is a great way to reduce this as quickly as possible.


Putting Web 3.0 to work on climate

We explore the role of Web 3.0-enabled applications in addressing recognized pinch-points in and across carbon markets.


Ausrichtung von klimafinanzierungs- projekten auf die globalen nachhaltigkeitsziele

Durch Finanzierung hochwertiger Klimaschutzprojekte können Unternehmen wesentliche Emissionsreduktionen erzielen.


Delivering results for clients, people, and planet

The results and impact delivered by the world-leading voluntary carbon market group.


The carbon footprint of the internet

Our new infographic shows the level of CO2 emissions generated through emails, searches, and cloud storage.


Wir widerlegen populäre halbwahrheiten zum thema CO2-kompensation

Wir widerlegen 10 populäre Halbwahrheiten zu Net Zero und CO2-Kompensation


Climate leadership series: Growing a net zero future in the UK

With only 13% forest land coverage, the UK is one of the least forested countries in Europe.


Oxford Principles for Net Zero Aligned Carbon Offsetting

A new report underscores the vital role of voluntary carbon offsetting as a means for organizations to take responsibility for their carbon emissions.


Wie kann ihr unternehmen net zero erreichen?

Wie kann eine ganzheitliche und praktikable Unternehmensstrategie aussehen, um schnell und nachhaltig Net Zero zu erreichen?


Climate calculus series: What’s the right price for carbon?

Jonathan Shopley, Managing Director of External Affairs at Climate Impact Partners, evaluates the future of carbon pricing in a viral world.


Climate calculus series: The calculus of climate change in a viral world

Have we underestimated the rate of change and the complexity of our world in shaping our climate response?


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