Climate Impact Partners Comments on IC-VCM's First CCP Labelled Credits

Last Updated 7 Juni 2024

The Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market (IC-VCM) has announced the first carbon-crediting methodologies that meet its high-integrity Core Carbon Principles (CCPs).The CCP label can now be used on an estimated 27 million carbon credits issued by projects that tackle potent greenhouse gases by capturing methane from landfill sites and by destroying ozone-depleting foams and refrigerant gases from discarded equipment such as refrigerators and air conditioners.

Another 27 categories of carbon credits, representing over 50% of the market, remain under active assessment.

Kelly Fitzwater, Head of Global Supply Chain at Climate Impact Partners, shares her views on the update.

The 27 million carbon credit starter

"With a call from the UN secretary general this week for an exit ramp off the “highway to climate hell”, this announcement shows how the voluntary carbon market (VCM) will help build that exit. Scaling with end-to-end integrity to deliver high quality projects with high quality demand - impacting climate, communities, and biodiversity today.

The 27 million strong CCP-credit starter builds the integrity momentum, empowering buyers with confidence on quality. Of course we remain hungry for the main course, with 27 categories under active assessment. Projects that will ensure developing economies that need carbon finance are not left out of the equation, such as clean cooking projects for 940 million people in sub-Saharan Africa or bringing clean water to the millions of people globally that suffer every day because of a lack of access to it.”

The 27 million CCP-credit starter builds the integrity momentum - empowering buyers with confidence on quality. Of course we remain hungry for the main course, with 27 categories under active assessment.
Kelly Fitzwater, Head of Global Supply Chain, Climate Impact Partners