Collaborating with Deloitte North and South Europe to deliver an innovative program aligned with SBTi's Beyond Value Chain Mitigation framework.
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Client: Microsoft
Nous sommes le partenaire de compensation carbone de Microsoft depuis 2012, et nous avons constitué à ce titre un portefeuille de plus de 50 projets implantés dans 30 pays.
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Client: Aviva
Aviva renforce son identité de marque responsable grâce à son programme de neutralité climatique
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Utilizing High Integrity Carbon Credits on the Path to Net Zero
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The Girls' Day School Trust
Empowering Future Leaders; Protecting our Planet for Future Generations.
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How Climate Impact Partners is helping the UK's Greener Digital-Bank to Offset Emissions and Empower Communities
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Client : British Land
La grande société de développement et d’investissement immobilier britannique établit des principes de compensation carbone clairs dans le cadre de sa stratégie net zéro.
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Boston Consulting Group
By working with Climate Impact Partners, BCG has financed an array of high-quality projects that either avoid the release of emissions or remove emissions from the atmosphere
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Health and Livelihoods | Clean Cooking | Bangladesh
Partenaire de project: Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU)
Carbon credit sales provided essential income for the pioneering Bondhu Chula cookstove project in Bangladesh.
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Client: Linklaters
Le programme de compensation des émissions de carbone aide Linklaters à recruter et retenir son personnel
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Health and Livelihoods | Clean Water | Afrique
Partenaire de project: Aqua Clara
Aqua Clara brings safe water to families and schools across Kenya.
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Client: The Co-operative Group
Insetting delivers positive supply chain community outcomes.
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