Episode 7: Capturing carbon with Dr. Helen Bray and Shachar Hatan.

Published 25 June 2024

In this episode, our host Shachar Hatan, Product Development Manager at Climate Impact Partners, delves into carbon removals with Dr. Helen Bray, Vice President of Policy at Puro.earth, the world's leading carbon crediting program for durable carbon removal. 

Helen has dedicated her career to advising on policy measures that promote low-carbon technologies. A geologist by training, she has more than two decades experience in the energy sector, where she focused on electricity market design, before representing the UK chemical industry at the time of emerging carbon pricing and industry restructuring.

A few years ago, Helen transferred her expertise to the carbon removals sector, specializing in direct air capture before joining Puro.earth in 2023. Helen's view is that “together, we can lead the world into a sustainable, net-zero emissions future”. Find out in this episode how carbon removals are a key part of that future, including:

  • The ways carbon can be removed from the atmosphere: from nature based solutions through to innovative technologies.
  • Scaling Climate Solutions: Helen shares insights into her work as a lobbyist, the urgency to scale climate action, and the need to simplify communications on these complex topics.
  • The role of the Voluntary Carbon Market: how the VCM can accelerate climate action, enabling organizations to contribute to net-zero targets faster. Shachar and Helen address some common criticisms and emphasize the need for high-quality, credible carbon credits to drive impactful climate solutions today.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Helen highlights some of the misconceptions about carbon removal technologies and discusses the biggest challenges facing their adoption.

Podcast Speakers

Dr. Helen Bray

Vice President, Policy

Dr. Helen Bray, Vice President for Policy at Puro.earth, leads the world's top crediting program for durable carbon removal. With over 20 years in the energy sector, she initially focused on electricity market design and represented the UK chemical industry during the emergence of carbon pricing. Helen has spent most of her career advising on policies to drive investment in low-carbon technologies. Recently, she transitioned to the carbon removal sector, working on direct air capture before joining Puro.earth.

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Shachar Hatan

Product Development Manager

Shachar is an experienced Product Development Manager specializing in compliance and voluntary carbon markets, innovation, and fostering partnerships in the climate tech sector. With a Master's degree in Land Economy from Cambridge University, she develops innovative solutions at Climate Impact Partners, including the Carbon Removal Technologies program.

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