Quality assurance is at the heart of the solutions we provide – it is fundamental to our role as the trusted partner to our clients, delivering climate solutions with verified impact that protect and enhance their reputations as climate leaders.

Winner of Best Offset Retailer
For the 12th time, we have been awarded Best Offset Retailer, in Environmental Finance’s annual Voluntary Carbon Market Awards, recognizing our focus on quality and building trusted partnerships with projects and clients.
Our commitment to quality is also recognized by the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Accreditation (ICROA) which established a Code of Best Practice to set the highest standards for companies working in the voluntary carbon market.
We comply with the ICROA Code through an annual audit which reviews our sourcing practices and transparent use of carbon credits for offsetting. All the projects we work with and develop are independently validated and verified to ICROA-endorsed carbon standards.
These include the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) and Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) standards under Verra, Gold Standard, American Carbon Registry (ACR), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), Plan Vivo, and Woodland Carbon Code (WCC). We are also licensed to supply Green-e Energy certified Renewable Energy Certificates.
Our global team visiting carbon projects
Our Quality Assurance process
Ten steps we take to review carbon projects for our clients
Voluntary Carbon Market leadership
To support voluntary carbon market growth and innovation, we are part of the ICROA technical working group, PD Forum, Biodiversity Credit Alliance (BCA) Task Force, Natural Climate Solutions Alliance, and contributed to the creation of the following initiatives: Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard (SD VISta) Advisory Forum, 3R Initiative Advisory Forum, RECs International Board, the Verra Blue Carbon Working Group.
More information on the carbon standards we work with
Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) set by Verra is the world’s most widely used voluntary program to ensure the credibility of emission reduction projects. The program covers a diverse range of sectors, including renewable energy and forestry. All VCS projects must follow a rigorous assessment process in order to be certified. Developed and administered by Verra, a not-for-profit organization founded by environmental and business leaders who saw the need for greater quality assurance in voluntary carbon markets, the VCS program enables the channeling of finance towards high quality projects and drives practical and robust solutions to mitigate climate change. Find out more here.
Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards
The Climate, Community and Biodiversity (CCB) Standards assess land management projects from the early stages of development through implementation. The CCB Standards, developed by the Climate Community and Biodiversity Alliance (CCBA) and managed by Verra, promote the integration of best practice and multiple benefit approaches into project design and implementation. Find out about Verra's CCB Standards here.
Gold Standard
Gold Standard was established in 2003 by WWF and other international NGOs to ensure projects that reduced carbon emissions included the highest levels of environmental integrity and contributed to sustainable development. Its best practice standard, the Gold Standard for the Global Goals, sets requirements to design projects that are ambitious and inclusive, have maximum impact in climate and development, and are continuously improved. Gold standard carbon credits for carbon offset projects have robust measurement and reporting outcomes. Learn more about Gold Standard for the Global Goals here.
American Carbon Registry (ACR)
The American Carbon Registry (ACR), a not-for-profit enterprise of Winrock International, is a leading carbon offset program recognized for its innovative practices and strong standards for environmental integrity. ACR has more than 20 years’ experience in the development of rigorous, science-based carbon offset standards and methodologies in addition to operational experience in carbon offset project registration, verification oversight, and offset issuance. Find out more here.
Climate Action Reserve (CAR)
The Climate Action Reserve, based in the US, is focused on establishing high-quality standards for quantifying and verifying carbon emissions reduction projects, overseeing independent third-party verification bodies, issuing carbon credits generated from projects, and tracking these credits on a transparent, publicly-available system. The voluntary offset program ensures the environmental integrity of using offsets and increases credibility and efficiencies in the carbon market by creating a trusted and valuable commodity. Learn more about CAR here.
Plan Vivo
Plan Vivo certifies community and smallholder land-use and forestry projects against the Plan Vivo Standard. The Standard is a set of requirements used to certify projects based on their climate, livelihoods and environmental benefits. Developed with over 25 years of experience, it is the longest-standing carbon Standard in the Voluntary Carbon Market and is internationally recognised as the leading Standard for community land-use projects. Learn more about Plan Vivo and its Standard here.
Woodland Carbon Code
The Woodland Carbon Code (WCC) is the quality assurance standard for woodland creation projects in the UK. Supported by the UK Government, the forest industry and carbon market experts, the Code is unique in providing independently verified woodland carbon units and pending insurance units in the UK. It also has a transparent registry, providing users with the ability to track ownership, transfer, and use of credits. The Code is endorsed by ICROA and is internationally recognised for its high standards of sustainable forest management and carbon management. Learn more about the Code here.