The Climate Impact Partners® Protocol
A framework for Climate Action
The Climate Impact Partners® Protocol is developed and managed by Climate Impact Partners based on over 20 years of climate-related certification experience.
The Protocol has been developed as a set of requirements for organizations to achieve Climate Impact Partners® certification. As third-party standards evolve, The Climate Impact Partners Protocol aims to provide a framework which builds upon the best technical guidance in the market.
Download the full Climate Impact Partners® Protocol here.
The Climate Impact Partners Protocol is designed to support organizations to make meaningful contribution to climate action today, as they work towards net zero goals. Through financing carbon mitigation projects outside of their value chains and retiring high-quality carbon credits, organizations contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change and to the transition towards societal net zero. The retirement of high-quality carbon credits as part of Climate Impact Partners certification represents a contribution to global climate action, and does not represent compensation, neutralization or offsetting of the emissions of the subject.
The Climate Impact Partners Protocol is designed for:
- Businesses and organizations – To understand the technical requirements to achieve Climate Impact Partners® certification, and a guide of best practice for aspects of a climate program
- Technical partners – To ensure Climate Impact Partners’ technical partners and partners of organizations seeking certification (e.g. GHG assessors) understand what is required of them so that their services are consistent with the requirements of each Climate Impact Partners® certification
- The wider “Climate Action Community” – To encourage partnerships amongst business, NGOs, policymakers, regulators, and civil society to promote high standards for carbon accounting, target setting and the financing of mitigation projects
Interested in exploring if Climate Impact Partners® certification is right for your business?
The Six Steps to Achieving Climate Impact Partners® Certification
Companies can achieve Climate Impact Partners® certification by following the six steps below. More information can be found on page 14 of the complete Protocol document.
Step 1: Define
Give a clear description of the subject.
Step 2: Measure
Provide a complete and accurate account of the GHG emissions of the subject and broader organization.
Step 3: Target
Set credible targets to reduce the measured emissions of the subject and broader organization.
Step 4: Reduce
Deliver internal emissions reductions in line with targets.
Step 5: Finance
Finance carbon mitigation projects outside of the value chain through purchase of carbon credits, to contribute to climate action.
Step 6: Inform
Disclose accurate and transparent information about your climate program.
Disclaimer: Climate Impact Partners Certification will strive to remain up to date and aligned with relevant legislation around green claims, including the upcoming EU Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition Directive and Green Claims Directive. With understanding that not all legislation around green claims is finalised, Climate Impact Partners will closely monitor changes as they come into effect with the intention of maintaining compliance.
Considering the uncertainty of future legislation, there is a possibility Climate Impact Partners Certification may fall outside the scope of approved green claims. Should this be the case, the team at Climate Impact Partners will work with you for a suitable alternative.