The REDD+ Framework defines these activities as:
- Reducing emissions from deforestation
- Reducing emissions from forest degradation
- Conservation of forest carbon stocks
- Sustainable management of forests
- Enhancement of forest carbon stocks
REDD+ projects use carbon finance to fund community activities that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation and enhance sustainable forest management. Currently, buying REDD+ credits is one of the best ways to direct private sector funding to the forest communities that are stewards of our remaining tropical rainforests.
Supporting REDD+ forest protection projects is critical to reducing global carbon emissions.
In 2013, the REDD+ framework was created by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to reduce deforestation in developing countries. It had initially been excluded from the Kyoto protocol in 1997, because information and technology to guide measurement was not considered advanced enough.1
It was originally intended to accelerate national government action on deforestation, however, as government action takes time, it accepts voluntary subnational implementation in the interim.
Recognizing the vital role forests play in achieving the Paris Agreement’s goal of one gigatonne of greenhouse gas emission reductions from forests by 2025, Article 5 incorporates the REDD+ framework into Kyoto’s successor. This allows countries to use REDD+ to achieve their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) towards the world’s plans to tackle climate change.
While lawmakers and governments develop their commitments and the details and mechanisms are finalized, voluntary carbon markets continue to play a vital role in protecting the world’s forests and their communities.
The REDD+ Framework defines these activities as:
REDD+ goes beyond the reduction of Emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, to include sustainable forest management practices and conservation activities, which enhance forest carbon stocks and improve the lives of those living within forest communities.
Watch the below webinar to learn more about the complexities of REDD+ projects from two of our nature-based solutions experts. Hear about:
As discussed in the webinar above with members of our nature-based solutions technical team, high quality REDD+ forest projects should demonstrate the following characteristics:
Carbon finance, through the sales of verified emission reductions, provides funding for sustainable management of the forest through community-led activities that address the specific drivers of deforestation in the local area and create alternative livelihoods through capacity building. Activities build resilience and can help with climate change adaptation.
Common carbon financed REDD+ activities include:
Project Drawdown is the world’s leading resource for climate solutions with a mission to help the world stop climate change as quickly, safely, and equitably as possible |
"In their biomass and soil, forests are powerful carbon storehouses. Protection prevents emissions from deforestation, shields stored carbon, and enables ongoing carbon sequestration.
Mature, healthy forests have spent decades or centuries accumulating carbon through photosynthesis and storing it in soils and biomass. Today forests are rapidly being cleared and degraded, releasing this stored carbon loss and reducing forests’ ability to provide habitat, control erosion, build soil, regulate water quality and supply, and remove air pollution.
Since humans began farming, the number of trees on Earth has fallen by 46 percent. Emissions from tropical deforestation and forest degradation alone today are estimated at 5.1–8.4 gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year—a staggering 14–21 percent of anthropogenic emissions (International Sustainability Unit, 2015). Forest protection could reduce these emissions by 5.56–8.83 gigatons by 2050."
In addition to delivering emissions reductions, which help to combat climate change (SDG 13) REDD+ forest protection projects are the only carbon project type today that can support all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These include:
All the carbon finance projects we support are independently validated and verified in line with recognized global standards, including the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the Gold Standard, the American Carbon Registry (ACR) and the Climate Action Reserve (CAR).
Here are some examples of REDD+ carbon project methodologies used in the Voluntary Carbon Market.
VCS – Verified Carbon Standard:
We need REDD+ projects today. Every tonne of carbon from deforestation will take years to remove from the atmosphere by planting new trees.
100+ million tonnes of emissions have been reduced by Climate Impact Partners working with quality projects around the world
REDD+ is a framework created by the UNFCCC. The implementation of REDD+ activities is voluntary and depends on the national circumstances, capacities and capabilities of each developing country and the level of support received.
The market is developing a measurement unit(s) to ensure we accurately and confidently evaluate positive outcomes for biodiversity.
Read moreWe spoke to Saskia, MD of Global Client Solutions, about the importance of investing in nature and biodiversity to complement climate goals.
Read moreLearn about our partnership with the Global EverGreening Alliance to deliver up to $330 Million in community-led carbon removal programs.
Read moreTogether with the world’s leading companies and quality project partners we will reduce 1 billion tonnes of CO2.
Read moreWe have developed a leading-edge due diligence process that goes beyond industry requirements and continually evolves to set best practice.
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