Unlocking the potential of Article 6
Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, enables countries to cooperate on a voluntary basis to trade emission reductions, with the purpose of accelerating climate action and reaching the deep decarbonization goals agreed by the global community.
Our expertise in project development and sourcing finance, coupled with our experience collaborating with governments, positions us uniquely to deliver carbon projects that align with Article 6. Having actively participated in the development of carbon market policies and standards over the past 25 years, our Article 6 Solutions Team is well-equipped to assist governments and project developers in translating the emerging Article 6 framework into impactful climate action at scale.
Our Approach to Article 6 Project Development

Our Article 6 Solutions Team supports the design and execution of impactful projects that contribute to national climate goals. We work with communities and organizations across the public, private and social sectors to implement high-integrity projects that are transformative and ambitious and can deliver positive social benefits alongside the climate impacts.
With the anticipated increase in global ambition, Article 6 represents a very substantial opportunity. We are working with countries to turn the Article 6 concept into reality through our network of cutting-edge carbon innovators and funders around the world.
How we support Article 6 Project Development
Our Article 6 Solutions Team supports the design and execution of impactful projects that contribute to national climate goals. We work with project developers and organizations across the public, private and social sectors who are implementing high-integrity projects that are transformative and ambitious and can deliver positive climate impacts alongside other social benefits.
Unlocking Financing Opportunities - We have built a robust network of partnerships with lenders and investors, and can help secure long-term financing to scale carbon projects. Our collaborative approach ensures that investors can align their financial goals with meaningful contributions to climate action.
Government Stakeholder Engagement - We facilitate collaboration between governments, businesses, and communities to drive climate action. We have actively engaged with governments since the implementation of The Kyoto Protocol in 2005, cultivating strong relationships and developing a deep understanding of their national targets (NDCs) and vision for carbon project priorities. We identify project delivery partners, develop high-quality transformative carbon projects, and attract investment when required.
Technical Project Development and Project Management-We have the technical expertise to deliver high-integrity carbon projects, drawing on years of experience that can mitigate the risks and maximize the impacts of project development. We understand the intricacies of the Article 6.2 mechanism and can select and implement the right program methodology and manage projects to deliver carbon and sustainable development impacts. Our project development team includes policy, technical, legal, and commercial experts who know the ins and outs of large-scale carbon project design. Navigating the evolving standards of host countries', we help our partners manage financial, technical, and social challenges that may arise during project implementation.
Carbon Market Experience - With more than 25 years of experience working in carbon markets, we understand the complexities of developing carbon projects. Our Article 6 Solutions Team has extensive knowledge of the Article 6.2 mechanism and diligently monitors the emerging host country requirements. We closely collaborate with buyer countries to understand their project preferences, facilitating collaboration among key stakeholders to develop ambitious carbon projects that align with the interests of everyone involved. Our proven track record includes successful collaborations with governments to design and deliver high-quality, transformative carbon projects.
Interested in developing a new Article 6.2 Carbon Project?

Case Study: Swedish Energy Agency
Swedish Energy Agency meets its carbon reduction obligations through a tailored Clean Development Mechanism project
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Case Study: Government of Norway
Norwegian government meets its climate responsibility through large-scale carbon offsetting program
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