Say goodbye to greenhushing in 2025 and keep up a steady beat of messaging throughout the year using our calendar of key dates as ‘hooks’.
Communicating about your program with us, alongside the broader climate action you are taking, is a great way to engage your colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders, while encouraging fellow corporates to step up, set goals, and take action.
To help you do just that, we've pulled together a calendar of key dates relating to climate and sustainable development. Using these dates as “hooks” throughout the year can help you keep a steady drumbeat of messages and provide opportunities for your messages to reach an even bigger audience.
We’ve also included some useful industry events you might want to consider attending, as well as important reporting and award entry deadlines.
Key Dates Calendar
2 - World Wetlands Day - International Day
10 - 12 - GreenBiz, Arizona - Sustainability Conference
3 - World Wildlife Day - International Day
4 - 5 - Carbon Forward, Asia - Sustainability Conference
8 - International Women's Day - International Day
10- 12 - Economist Sustainability Week, London - Sustainability Conference
12 – 14 – North American Sustainability & Responsibility Summit – Sustainability Conference
18 – 19 – Sustainable Brands, Japan – Sustainability Conference
21 - International Day of Forests - International Day
22 - World Water Day - International Day
22 at 8:30pm local time – Earth Hour– International Day
25 - 27 - North American Carbon World, California - Sustainability Conference
1 - 3 - IETA European Climate Summit, Portugal - Sustainability Conference
8 - 9 - REC Market Meeting - Sustainability Conference
19 - 27 - San Francisco Climate Week - Regional Event
22 - Earth Day - International Day
22 - US Climate Action Summit, Washington, D.C. - Sustainability Conference
25 - Arbor Day, USA - National Day
2 - Global Good Awards - Award Entry Deadline
7 - 8 - Carbon Forward, Izmir - Sustainability Conference
8 - 9 - East Africa Carbon Markets Forum - Sustainability Conference
20 - 21 - Carbon Unbound NYC - Sustainability Conference
16 - Endangered Species Day - International Day
22 - International Day for Biological Diversity - International Day
5 - World Environment Day - International Day
8 - World Ocean Day - International Day
11 - 12 - Responsible Business Europe, London - Sustainability Conference
11 - 12 - Carbon Forward North America, Toronto - Sustainability Conference
17 – World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought – International Day
17 - 19 - GreenFin, New York City - Sustainability Conference
21 - 29 - London Climate Action Week - Regional Event
22 - World Rainforest Day - International Day
23 - 24 - Responsible Business USA, New York City - Sustainability Conference
27 - Reuters Global Sustainability Awards - Award Entry Deadline
8 - 10 - IETA Asia Climate Summit - Sustainability Conference
26 - International Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem - International Day
27 - Bog Day - International Day
31 - UNGC Communication on Progress - Reporting Deadline
1 - Earth Overshoot Day (in 2023) - International Day
9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples - International Day
26 - 28 - IETA Latin America Climate Summit, Sao Paulo - Sustainability Conference
7 – International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies - International Day
10 - 11 - Mexico Carbon Forum - Sustainability Conference
20 - 26 - FSC Forest Week - International Day
21 - 28 - New York Climate Week - Regional Event
23 - 25 - IETA North America Climate Summit, New York - Sustainability Conference
28 - World Rivers Day - International Day
TBC - CDP Reporting Deadline (including RE100) - Climate Reporting Deadline
5 - World Teachers' Day - International Day
7 - World Habitat Day - International Day
7 - 9 - Carbon Forward, London - Sustainability Conference
11 - International Day of the Girl Child - International Day
13 – International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction – International Day
14 - 17 – Sustainable Brands, San Diego - Sustainability Conference
15 - International Day of Rural Women - International Day
16 - World Food Day - International Day
17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - International Day
21 - 22 - Financial Times Summit Africa - Sustainability Conference
28 - 30 - Verge - Sustainability Conference
28 - 30 - Bloom - Sustainability Conference
10 - 21 – COP30, Brazil - International Climate Change Conference
10 – 21 – IETA Business HUB – COP30 Event
20 - World Children’s Day - International Day
2 - 5 - Global Carbon Markets Conference - Sustainability Conference
5 - World Soil Day - International Day
11 – International Mountain Day – International Day